
Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. Mark 3:13

Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Exodus 4:12

When the boys were young, my hubby used to get frustrated because the boys would jump up to do something that I told them to do, but not so much for him. He worried there was a lack of respect for him. That wasn’t the case at all though. I would say, “Please pick up your toys.” He would say, “Would you pick up your toys?” Kind of sounds the same, but there was a whole world of difference. I was telling them to do something and he was asking them if they would. He was giving them a choice.

Being bold isn’t something that comes easily for me. I was always the shy one that doesn’t like confrontation. I learned that when it comes to kids, it just isn’t safe to show a lack of confidence because they’ll pick that up right away. I had to get bold really quickly! I had to have the confidence that what I was saying lined up with what God taught; therefore he’d give me the words that needed said.

I don’t think Jesus went up to that mountainside and said, “Hey guys, umm, do you think you could come here for a few minutes. Maybe we could talk.” He called to those He wanted, and they came. We need to take a lesson from Jesus.

Kids need to learn from us on how to show boldness. I remember when my oldest came to me in boldness with a paper expressing all the reasons I needed to see his point of view. He was respectful, yet confident that I would listen and that he had something worth hearing. It made me take notice!

The character trait for today is Boldness-confidence to say or do what is true, right, and just (definition from

Go in boldness out in the world! Ask God to give you the words to say and the confidence to say them. All of a sudden you will find yourself with the peace to boldly handle any situation that you’ve struggled with in the past. Also, don’t be afraid to give God credit in front of someone. It just may change their life!

Author: Kelly Girl

I'm a Christian, a wife, a homeschool mom of two boys, and I have a pet dog...a male. I'm outnumbered! I enjoy travelling and experiencing new things with my family, reading, and seeing God's creation in nature.

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