My glory will not fade; the bow will be ever new in my hand.’ Job 29:20
The time has come when I’m unable to carry on an intelligent conversation with my guys. Their attention is gone and they’ve reverted back to grunts, thinking I can translate that into real words. When the boys’ attention should be on their studies, their thoughts are in the woods. It’s archery season.
My hubby was away with the boys for two weekends in a row and was travelling for work during the week in-between. He was home one night out of ten and I think I was starting to miss him. It was a little too quiet without the umm…background noise while he slept, it was a little too cold without my personal foot warmer, and it was getting a little too boring without having as much of my hobby to do…laundry. So when he pulled in from his latest trip, I flung open the door with excitement to only be met with little hand motions shushing me before I even welcomed him home! There were buck fighting in his food plot that he was trying to watch. Yep, archery season.
As my guys were getting ready to go into the woods today, it made me think back to another archery season quite a few years ago when I was pregnant with my second son. I had been having contractions throughout the day, but told my hubby that it was fine for him to head to the woods that evening. I preferred to have his attention on the situation when we did go to the hospital, not him thinking about what he was missing in the woods.
When he got back in the house after dark, my contractions were about five minutes apart and pretty strong. I tried to tell him, but he was so focused on telling me what was in the woods (he became quite articulate all of a sudden) that he wasn’t paying attention to the fact I was standing there doubled over trying to get a breath. Ok, I’m exaggerating, but not by much!
After getting his attention by a flying, plastic cup…empty and not near him mind you. Also, not my proudest moment! I startled him enough that he actually stopped going on about what was in the woods to look at me. “Is something wrong?” asked my intelligent hubby as I’m breathing through the contraction.
Not being sarcastic at all, I said, “Nah, just about to have a baby.” Since the contractions did spread out a bit when I sat down, I figured that I’d wait to see what happened. Within a couple hours I thought we’d better give the hospital a call to head in since we lived about an hour away. I think the nurse must’ve been an archery hunter too because her mind seemed to be elsewhere…the woods maybe? She told me that I was having false labor pains and I should just go to bed and forget about it.
Probably around 11:00 that night when I stood up, they were coming pretty closely together. The thing was, I wasn’t in terrible pain at all. I just would breathe through them and that was that. I feel mighty blessed after I’ve heard some horror stories. I called the hospital back and they told me to come in and they’d check me.
When we dropped off my oldest at my cousin’s house, the contractions were about one to two minutes apart. I was still fine though and having normal conversations. I was even able to “help” my hubby drive, reminding him to go slow because of the deer running. That’s all we needed…to hit a deer! We got about ten minutes from the hospital when I informed him he had my blessing to just get me to the hospital as quick as he could.
Twenty minutes after we pulled into the hospital parking lot, I had a baby boy in my arms. Needless to say, the doctor never had time to get to the hospital and the nurses had to deliver my little boy. They had to work through their fear, and trust me they had some. Paper was flying as they were just trying to get an IV in me before the baby came. I could hear them reassuring each other that they could do this! They did a fantastic job too…not that they had any other choice. They couldn’t simply wait for the doctor to get there.
There are times that we might not realize we’re able to do something, but God gives us His supernatural power at just the moment we need it. Those nurses weren’t expecting to deliver a baby that night, but they were able to do it. That still makes me extremely grateful!
Can you imagine if I would’ve waited any longer for fear of going into that hospital and looking silly because I wasn’t actually in labor? Heaven forbid, my hubby would’ve been delivering that baby here at home. We can’t wait until it’s too late because of fear.
If we’re in God’s will, we just have to believe that the glory won’t fade. His glory and the grace He gives us! When we don’t feel strong enough, we can trust that He’s constantly renewing our strength. He might get you to a point that forces you to do what you fear, but He’ll be with you seeing you through each step of the way…renewing your strength.
Today starts a day of no more fear! Realize where your strength comes from. You have it. Once you accept it, there isn’t any more reason for fear. Don’t be afraid and waste one more second in something that is used by the devil himself.
Step out in confidence! Be like the nurses and remind yourself that you can do this. I dare you to have no more fear and an abundance of confidence in the Lord. Don’t wait until it’s too late and you never got to experience the accomplishments that God has waiting for you!