Don’t Wait Until It’s too Late

My glory will not fade; the bow will be ever new in my hand.’ Job 29:20

The time has come when I’m unable to carry on an intelligent conversation with my guys. Their attention is gone and they’ve reverted back to grunts, thinking I can translate that into real words. When the boys’ attention should be on their studies, their thoughts are in the woods. It’s archery season.

My hubby was away with the boys for two weekends in a row and was travelling for work during the week in-between. He was home one night out of ten and I think I was starting to miss him. It was a little too quiet without the umm…background noise while he slept, it was a little too cold without my personal foot warmer, and it was getting a little too boring without having as much of my hobby to do…laundry. So when he pulled in from his latest trip, I flung open the door with excitement to only be met with little hand motions shushing me before I even welcomed him home! There were buck fighting in his food plot that he was trying to watch. Yep, archery season.

As my guys were getting ready to go into the woods today, it made me think back to another archery season quite a few years ago when I was pregnant with my second son. I had been having contractions throughout the day, but told my hubby that it was fine for him to head to the woods that evening. I preferred to have his attention on the situation when we did go to the hospital, not him thinking about what he was missing in the woods.

When he got back in the house after dark, my contractions were about five minutes apart and pretty strong. I tried to tell him, but he was so focused on telling me what was in the woods (he became quite articulate all of a sudden) that he wasn’t paying attention to the fact I was standing there doubled over trying to get a breath. Ok, I’m exaggerating, but not by much!

After getting his attention by a flying, plastic cup…empty and not near him mind you. Also, not my proudest moment! I startled him enough that he actually stopped going on about what was in the woods to look at me. “Is something wrong?” asked my intelligent hubby as I’m breathing through the contraction.

Not being sarcastic at all, I said, “Nah, just about to have a baby.” Since the contractions did spread out a bit when I sat down, I figured that I’d wait to see what happened. Within a couple hours I thought we’d better give the hospital a call to head in since we lived about an hour away. I think the nurse must’ve been an archery hunter too because her mind seemed to be elsewhere…the woods maybe? She told me that I was having false labor pains and I should just go to bed and forget about it.

Probably around 11:00 that night when I stood up, they were coming pretty closely together. The thing was, I wasn’t in terrible pain at all. I just would breathe through them and that was that. I feel mighty blessed after I’ve heard some horror stories. I called the hospital back and they told me to come in and they’d check me.

When we dropped off my oldest at my cousin’s house, the contractions were about one to two minutes apart. I was still fine though and having normal conversations. I was even able to “help” my hubby drive, reminding him to go slow because of the deer running. That’s all we needed…to hit a deer! We got about ten minutes from the hospital when I informed him he had my blessing to just get me to the hospital as quick as he could.

Twenty minutes after we pulled into the hospital parking lot, I had a baby boy in my arms. Needless to say, the doctor never had time to get to the hospital and the nurses had to deliver my little boy. They had to work through their fear, and trust me they had some. Paper was flying as they were just trying to get an IV in me before the baby came. I could hear them reassuring each other that they could do this! They did a fantastic job too…not that they had any other choice. They couldn’t simply wait for the doctor to get there.

There are times that we might not realize we’re able to do something, but God gives us His supernatural power at just the moment we need it. Those nurses weren’t expecting to deliver a baby that night, but they were able to do it. That still makes me extremely grateful!

Can you imagine if I would’ve waited any longer for fear of going into that hospital and looking silly because I wasn’t actually in labor? Heaven forbid, my hubby would’ve been delivering that baby here at home. We can’t wait until it’s too late because of fear.

If we’re in God’s will, we just have to believe that the glory won’t fade. His glory and the grace He gives us! When we don’t feel strong enough, we can trust that He’s constantly renewing our strength. He might get you to a point that forces you to do what you fear, but He’ll be with you seeing you through each step of the way…renewing your strength.

Today starts a day of no more fear! Realize where your strength comes from. You have it. Once you accept it, there isn’t any more reason for fear. Don’t be afraid and waste one more second in something that is used by the devil himself.

Step out in confidence! Be like the nurses and remind yourself that you can do this. I dare you to have no more fear and an abundance of confidence in the Lord.  Don’t wait until it’s too late and you never got to experience the accomplishments that God has waiting for you!


Vibrant not Withered

“This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Exodus 12:2

When we had our first son, our yellow lab was a year old. He took to the baby right away and had a new best friend! From pretty much that first day, where my son was, you’d find the dog too. I don’t have a ton of pictures of only my oldest because that dog tended to photobomb his fair share.

That dog would let my kids do whatever they wanted to him. If they were dressing up, he was dressing up. I remember shaking my head as the dog sat there with a construction hat on and goggles like it was absolutely normal for him to be wearing them. I’d often have to remind my children that he was not a step stool, but it was hard to reinforce that when the dog let them use him to get their little bodies up on the couch. Life sure became exciting for my dog when the boys came into the picture!

As I was walking down the road the other day, it really had me thinking of that old dog. I was noticing how the leaves were changing and starting to fall down. It took me back to the year when we were raking leaves at the Barbie House (it was a blue and pink rental) with our oldest son. We’d get them all in a pile and the fun would start! I swear that dog had a big, silly grin on his face, while my son giggled nonstop.

Anyhow, there I was walking down the road having flashbacks to that great time when it hit me that my giggling little boy who would put his arm around a dog that was taller than him, is now taller than me. He doesn’t really jump in leaves anymore! Now instead of raking, we get the lawn mower out or a leaf blower.  Times change.

Kids grow up and move on to different activities, but autumn happens every single year where I live. We watch the leaves turn colors and let go of the trees in order for a new season to take place. So even though we have the consistency of our seasons, they go through the patterns of change too.

Have you ever noticed those oak trees where it’s January and the leaves are still holding on? They turn pretty ugly while it seems they’re pleading not to move on to the next chapter. They’re all brown and withered at that point. Have you noticed how leaves are brighter, more intense, and vibrant during that season just before they’re ready to let go of the old?

Listen, don’t be a brown and withered leaf! Be that bright, intense, and vibrant leaf. Don’t be afraid of change and moving on into a new chapter in life. When we cling so tightly to what used to be, we start looking pretty withered up and sad.

Think about it this way…we all start out as a bud, and then we flourish into a strong green leaf. As we mature in whatever area we’ve been evolving, we’re at our brightest and most intense color with our vibrancy shimmering off us. When we get to that point, God isn’t ready for us to stay stagnant and just hang out there. It’s time for a new season. Others will come in and start their cycle, but we need to vacate the premises!

There’s a next level where we need to bud and work our way through. Only one level in a video game would seem silly, right? How crazy would it be that when we reach the top of the first level, we’re done. That would be pretty pitiful…we need to move on to the next level! Just like there are many levels in a video game, there are many levels in life. Yes, we’re starting at the beginning of the next level, but it’s a level higher than we were before.

I know that I’ve already gone through different levels and seasons, but I know “the best” is not behind me. Yes, I might look back feeling some loss every now and then, but I know that this life is short and I’m going to go through as many levels as God has prepared for me. Uh-uh, that brown, withered look isn’t for me!

I can look back at all the blessings and memories of my old dog and hold tight to the memories of my boys as little ones, but I need to cherish the time I have with my new pup and celebrate the phase of life my boys are in now. I need to enjoy this season where I’m at because before I know it, it’ll be time to start a new phase. I’m not getting older, I’m getting more vibrant! I think I’ll inform my hubby of that tonight.

What about you? Are you holding on to a season in your life when instead, you should’ve gotten excited about the next level? Are you starting to wither where you’re at? If you are, let go! Move up to the next level and enjoy it…stop being where you aren’t growing!  Let this be the first month of your year.


Buzzing with Electricity

When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. Matthew 7:28-29

It’s been crazy around here. My guys have been going in different directions for almost two weeks, and I’ve been trying to keep up! This past weekend my hubby and oldest went to leadership training, and my youngest decided he wanted to have a friend over. I told him to make the plans and I’d go along with them.

Talk about energy! My house was buzzing with it for sure. Was it just from the two boys? No way! When that energy was shooting off of them, my pup thought the energy should be shooting off him too. All I kept thinking about was how to keep the food coming from the kitchen while corralling the pup. Normally, I’d just tell him to lie down and go about my business, but the temptation to join in the fun left his self-control in a different state. It sure wasn’t in the one we live in!

The crate became my biggest helper over the weekend. When I couldn’t be in two places at once, off the pup went to his crate. I also knew that he needed a leash on so that I’d have better control when he was out and about. You see, I was learning to harness that energy so it was focused on me.

I knew the next day it was necessary to get the pup for a walk. Since my hubby was gone, the boys were just going to have to come with me. I just wasn’t sure how we were all going to walk in close proximity to each other without the pup going into a bouncy, bonkers state. Even though the energy was still high from the boys, there was a control to it for everyone. I was putting their minds to use, giving their physical bodies exercise, and keeping them engaged.

We came to an area that has a little electrical station with some transformers. As we were walking past, there was quite an audible hum that was taking place. I began thinking about how all that electric was flowing and being sent out through those lines. They were able to bring about such great things to so many people because the energy was being controlled and had a purpose.

That’s exactly what I was seeing on my walk with the boys and the pup. All the energy was very controlled because there was a purpose. The pup who couldn’t even look at my son’s friend without turning into a bouncy, brainless mess, was walking right beside him following directions better than ever. What a fantastic walk!

Just like the power that was coming from those electric lines, I imagine that it was similar with Jesus. There was such power within Him that people could hear the buzz surrounding Him. Actually, we know that they could feel the power that was coming from Him!

When we have the Holy Spirit inside of us, don’t you want the amazing power to be so strong that you start buzzing?  Ok, that would be a little weird, but you know what I mean! We can’t allow our own ways to stop the flow of power that is being sent out from us. We want people around us to feel it!

I challenge you to focus on what’s inside you today. Don’t allow the energy you used to have become a thing of the past…it’s actually getting stronger as you get older! Don’t permit your human aches and pains to cover up all that power that’s living inside of you. Crate yourself until you can focus that energy.

Remember, the pup wouldn’t let the energy surrounding him be for nothing.  He wanted it to shoot off him too! Let your Holy-Spirit-energy come out like Jesus did when the crowds were amazed at His teachings, so that we can start being contagious and share God with everyone. Buzz with electricity today!


My Message

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.  John 1:16

When I stopped to pay attention to what all I’ve seen this past weekend, I realized something big was at work here. There were many lessons packed into the few days my guys were away. I told you about the P day, but I didn’t tell you about the police that I encountered too. Nope, he didn’t cart me off to jail, but I do think he was checking me out. I might have seemed a little suspicious as I was just standing at the end of my road. I was studying a purple flower. What can I say? I was in learning mode this weekend! He must’ve found me harmless (or not) because he didn’t stop (maybe because he was afraid it would require extra paperwork) as I waved to him as he went by.

Talk about symbolism! Ok, let me back up. I was nearing the end of the road when a hawk took off from a tree. It showed me it’s complete underside as it gracefully soared off. This made me think of a dog exposing its vulnerable underbelly. I got two things out of this. The first was being vulnerable, and the second was grace.

Shortly after, a van turned onto my road. There was lettering on the side that explained what company the van was with. Part of the logo contained the word supply in it. This morning I was thinking how this all fit together and I realized there was still more to it. Let me continue.

As I turned to head back down my road, I saw a purple flower along the side that I decided to study. I heard a vehicle pass my road and backup. Umm…I have to say that I nearly pulled my mace out at that point because nobody backs up in that area. That could’ve been pretty dangerous for the driver…and for me too! I wondered if they saw me as a vulnerable woman in the middle of nowhere. I knew that couldn’t be because I had my ferocious dog with me.

I decided it was time to be very aware so that I would know how to respond. To my surprise, it was a police car! Well this was a new one for me. During all my walks, I don’t think the police have ever been on my road. On a busy day, there are maybe five vehicles I even see! I gave him a wave as he passed by and went back to my flower study. He may or may not have been shaking his head. I just thought that if he wanted my pup to commiserate with, I’d be glad to let them shake their heads together. Getting back on track, the police represents protection!

In that very short span of time, I had vulnerable and grace from the hawk. I had supply from the van. I had protection from the police car. What was I being told? I think I broke the code! When we’re vulnerable, we need to remember God’s grace that has already been given to us. It hasn’t been given to us once, it’s continuously being poured out onto us; therefore, our supply is never ending. It’s a protection over us for all situations and at all times. That was my take on the whole scene that unfolded before me on Friday.

Have you taken time to find your own messages that have been planted right before you? Feel free to use my message if it’ll help you today! Remember…when vulnerable, you have grace, supply, and protection.


Too Different or Far Away…Nah

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.  Psalm 147:4

I remember when we were considering homeschooling the boys. There was such a fear that they wouldn’t receive the education that we wanted them to have. We were afraid it would somehow mess them up for life! We were concerned how it would affect them socially. We were actually quite arrogant to think we had that kind of power!

I have to say that amidst all the negatives, God put people in our path who supported the idea of homeschooling. We had a few people who were actually in the public education system. They were incredibly positive, and gave me the confirmation that we were making the right decision for us.

You see, we left the school on very good terms. We were thankful for the wonderful education with the fantastic teachers that they had received so far. They had friends and enjoyed their school. We weren’t pulling them out under negative issues. We were moving them toward new opportunities.

At the time all of this was happening, we were making acquaintances that turned more into family relationships! We didn’t even realize that many of them had homeschooled or were filled with amazing advice that God seemed to want us to hear. Little did I know that He was choosing a group of people who could be trusted to give Godly council, support us in all situations (even when that included telling us we were wrong), and who were incredibly trustworthy and kind.

Some of my dearest friends and those I’ll confide in before anyone else live in different countries from me…even on different continents as me! It’s amazing to think how I can have people all around me, and God chooses to match me up with those who are so very far away.

Those dear friends and I are different in so many ways. We live differently, look differently, speak differently, and are all different ages. Yet, we are closer than family. How can that be? There is only one way to describe it…God. The One who knows best.

Just taking a look at how He worked, made me realize just how big He is and how He’s involved in all the details of our lives in order for us to succeed. We can be separated from friends by so many miles that I can’t even imagine traveling, yet there’s His presence on all sides of the world.  He’s taking care of everybody and seeing to every person’s needs all at once!

Don’t fall into the trap of judgement that people sometimes will. I used to hear that children who are homeschooled are  socially awkward. They just don’t know that many times, they’re actually able to communicate with all different people from all different cultures and in all age groups because they aren’t limited to being with only one age every day.

I challenge you to do what I’m going to do today. Remember how big our God is. There may be a reason you’ve been put into contact with that person who might seem unlikely to be your friend.  There may be a reason that God is arranging you to meet others who are different than you. If he even decides to match you up with someone who’s rude and judgmental, maybe He wants you to show them a different way.

My oldest is still learning from his retired third grade teacher…they’re pen pals! I’m learning every day from my friends. I even wonder if I would’ve stayed strong in homeschooling and in life if I hadn’t embraced the wonderful people who God put in my path.

Yes, there may be differences between us and the people we meet, but I found out there’s usually even more similarities.  God already has a plan figured out and the people in place to get you through all situation gracefully and calmly. He has people lined up to bring you great joy just for knowing them. Now it’s your choice if you’re going to believe it or not.

Faith. Just use it.


The Letter of the Day: P

One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message. Acts 16:14

I went on a search today for purple and found power, protection, promise, and perspective. I learned that performance didn’t have to do with where we already are, but on where we’re going and who is leading. Don’t check out on me right now because I’m going somewhere with this…I think. I know that it can be downright petrifying when I get into my philosophical mode, but I think this is going to be something that someone needs to hear. Is it you? Are you paying attention to my P usage?

As I was getting ready to leave the house on my purple search, I couldn’t imagine where I was going to find that color on my normal walk. Green and brown tend to be the overwhelming colors I usually see. I had to wear a purple shirt so that I wouldn’t be able to say that I didn’t see purple! “Oh ye of little faith,” I thought as I stepped outside to see one single purple petunia. It was blooming in a planter hidden behind an evergreen. It was so beautiful because it’s not supposed to be there. It was from last year…not possible, right? I hadn’t even left the porch!

I had my notebook and pen ready to start writing what I saw and learned from my keen observations. Sorry to tell you, but I got about three pages of notes…get ready for a long post today. I’m just kidding, I’m going to try to stick with the purple theme here. I did see flowers that I never noticed before. They made me realize that there could be several bunched together in beautiful display, yet I really found power in that single flower that bloomed by itself, in an area that was unexpected.

The next thing I noticed was a Guardian sign showing my neighbor’s house was protected. It was comprised of purple stripes! How did I never see that before? Now purple makes me think of protection. It dawned on me how I could boast my own Guardian sign. My King Jesus, the one who had the purple robe on before being crucified, is my protector and promise keeper in all things. Without keeping my perspective on Him, my perception makes me think all kinds of crazy thoughts. He keeps my mind clear.

Just to solidify my lesson on protection, there was a purple rubber glove on the side of the road reminding me how they are worn to protect us from the unwanted. It also taught me that we have to keep our protection with us at all times or it won’t protect us at all. When we dispose of these things that covers us with protection, we lose that wonderful gift and open ourselves up to harm.

I felt a strong urge to read a book about Lydia, the seller of purple, by Tessa Afshar. I’m about half-way through it, and it is teaching me quite a bit about perspective in life. In the book, Lydia deals with fear, but people keep showing up in her life who help her on the amazing journey ahead of her. She has every reason to be bitter and angry, yet God doesn’t allow it. He has bigger plans for her. How God prepares us for His plan in our life! The question is: are we going to accept the manna, or complain about what we don’t have YET?

Am I going to learn from my lesson in purple so that I can give the best possible performance in this life? Am I going to deal in purple? What about you? I’m sure if you take a few minutes, you can look up all kinds of meanings about purple, but I didn’t want that list in front of me. I wanted to see what God would show me.

I challenge you to put on something purple today (not too dark now) and be reminded that you are part of royalty. Be that single flower that stands out! What will you see that God is using in order to prepare you for your peak performance in this life? Open your heart and respond like Lydia!


Pain to Fuel

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

I remember the screams, the crying, the pain, and the fear that filled our vehicle after the accident took place. So quickly life can change. One moment you’re riding along down the road having fun, and the next you’re covered in blood. Through those moments of confusion and shock an angel was there to help. A nurse was placed in the exact right spot, at the precise time to help. My human angel…God provides.

You see, I was doing something I never should’ve done. I was standing on the seat of a moving vehicle, and that vehicle was going down the highway. Safety features like seatbelts didn’t seem so important until after the accident happened. I was young, and seatbelts didn’t have the same respect as they do today. This was an age where it wasn’t even considered wrong to ride in the bed of a pickup truck.

The nurse was there with me immediately to apply pressure on a cut I received from falling and hitting my face on an open ashtray. It just missed my eye…God provides. I was little and don’t remember many details, but I remember being held, I remember the pressure from the cloth, and I remember the lights of the ambulance. The words of calmness from those there to help, gave me an assurance that everything would be fine.

I don’t remember before the accident, or even standing on that seat. I don’t even remember anything after the ambulance ride. I very rarely think about that day unless my scar has chosen to stand out just a little extra as I’m applying makeup.

The lesson learned has never left me though. A seatbelt is always worn in the vehicle and we’ve always followed laws concerning baby seats, booster seats, and seatbelts. We’ve followed the suggestions of having children ride in the backseat until a certain age or weight too.  I’m also aware of how quickly something can go wrong while driving.

I’m seeing all the pain and awful things happening in the world. All the hurricanes we’ve been experiencing lately have caused great havoc to so many people, and I was wondering how to stay positive while so many are facing such devastation and loss. Is it even ok?

I see all the natural disasters, all the terrorism, all the crime, all the political turmoil, all the diseases, all the drugs, and all the pain families are going through. It seems callous to just go about life like nothing is happening outside my own, personal world. Yet, if we can’t be positive and have hope, who will help lift those who are feeling it slip away?

After coming across a quote about pain, it helped me have a new perspective on the things we go through in life. Kenji Miyazawa may not have had the same beliefs that I have, but this quote of his is something that I can learn from. He said, “We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”

I know that bad things happen to all people…both believers and nonbelievers. Some experiences are worse than others, but if you’ve lived, you’ve experienced pain. Pain changes all of us. We can’t just pretend it’s not there.

What we can do, is decide if that pain will change us for the worse or the better. Are we going to search for ways that God is still providing for us while going through the pain? Are we going to be able to use that pain to learn from and make positive changes?

I may still have that scar, but the fuel it provided is much more important and lasting, than the memory of the accident. It provided me with the fuel to be on a safer journey with my children.

I may still be getting rid of the symptoms due to a crazy bug bite, but God is using it to teach me empathy on this journey of life. He is using it to teach me the importance of slowing down and not getting focused on those things that isn’t in His will. He’s teaching me the importance of faith through all things. He’s teaching me how absolutely important it is to stay in peace during stressful times.  He’s teaching me I can do things in spite of the symptoms I’m facing.

I wouldn’t have learned these lessons as quickly and profoundly if I didn’t go through the pain in order to have the fuel for the rest of my journey. I learn from the pain, but I can’t let it paralyze my life because it’s so easy to take pain that we’ve gone through and want to go into a protective shell or even turn bitter.

When I want to have my children hide in the house to protect them from ticks, I can recognize how illogical and unrealistic that is. I now know the dangers, and can use that knowledge to better protect my children. Get the bug spray and check for ticks!

What pain are you allowing to continually hurt you, instead of fueling you for this journey of life? Try to find your angels that God provides amid your pain. Be renewed in faith by knowing that God is not leaving you to deal with your situation on your own. He will hurt right along with you, but then He will use this to fuel you for a mission that will make a positive difference in this world.

Pain will happen in different stages during your life.  Will you allow it to paralyze you, or use it as fuel in your journey?  Whatever you’ve gone through or you’re going through look for God, look for a bright spot, and look for your human angels.  Also, be the bright spot…that human angel for someone else who is in the painful spot right now.

You’re life isn’t over, it’s just getting started!


Float Your Boat

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13

My boys were doing an experiment today where they each had to make an aluminum foil boat and see at what point their boats would start to sink after adding pennies. After the experiment, they needed to evaluate the results in order to improve the boats to make them better the second time. They reflected back on what they believed worked and what went wrong. Then, they went back to the drawing board.

On their second try, one of my sons saw total failure. His boat sank before he got the first penny into it! How did that happen when he got several in the first time? Since he didn’t have anything to compare the first boat to, he didn’t really know what was making it work. When he did the second experiment, he was seeing the differences that would cause one design to work over the other. What really helped was looking at even more designs and their results.

From the first to the last experiment, they had a deeper understanding of how to make things better and were able to come up with better solutions. You see, the boys were quick to make their first boats without a whole lot of thought going into them, but as soon as they received more information, they slowed down and were able to discover ways that led them closer to success. They used their previous knowledge before putting a new plan into place.

I found that as adults, we’re often afraid to try something that might fail, but kids are much more willing to take that chance in order to reach success. We’re more likely to stay at the starting line instead of getting more insight with each journey we’re on.

We ask God why He gives us a certain problem when we don’t have all the answers or even the ability to come up with the answers. I believe He’s trying to get us to understand that although we don’t have the solutions, He does. He can see clearly enough for both of us. He wants to partner with us so that we’re never on our own again.

Don’t you think we need to understand that if we never go through the journey to solve a problem, we’ll never have experience to start out further ahead of where we are now? We’ll constantly be like my boys making those first boats…completely in the dark.

If we don’t ever try or go through something, there will never be any results to evaluate.  The second time or third time will never be better because we’ll still be stuck at square one.  The third boat that my son made was able to hold ALL the pennies plus a bag of nickels.  Talk about success!

Those boys now have new insights on problem solving from their experiment, so they’ll be starting ahead of where they did today the next time they face a new challenge.

Don’t you want to be growing in wisdom? How will you do that if you haven’t learned anything on the way? It’s on the rough journeys where we learn and grow. My boys don’t learn as much with the easy problems as they do the hard ones. We’re the same way. The more we struggle, the easier the next challenge is.

Why are we so fearful of the struggle? We have a partner much more knowledgeable than us. He has the answers when we don’t. We don’t want to remain ignorant and not have any wisdom! That means we need to take a chance and not see problems happening to us, but see challenges that are happening for us. We’re getting wisdom and new insights!

I challenge you to accept that partnership, let God work in you, and allow Him to fulfill his good purpose. Let that dare be the one that floats your boat today!


Shake it Up a Little!

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

This morning my hubby asked me if I was ready to write the continuation of yesterday’s post. I replied, “I forget what I wanted to talk about.” Ha! No I didn’t, but he sure had a funny look on his face because me forgetting wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility!

I had a bit of a realization as I was taking some advice from Darren Hardy on my walk last week. After I read that success is doing a half dozen things really well, repeated five thousand times, I started to get really excited! What made a huge impact was the addition of his advice telling us about the compound effect. It’s the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. When I put those two together, it became a wake-up moment for me. Why didn’t I see this before?

I had a little celebration right there in the middle of the road. As the pup stopped to roll his eyes (I’m telling you that his looks most definitely equate to a mental eye roll), it became clearer to me that I was accepting some really important information. This information was going to be a huge change in my life because as soon as I grasped this, one word, one action was really front and center in my mind. Smile!

The advice from Darren Hardy was not new and smiling was certainly not new, but I was seeing it in a different light now. It took me back to a memory of when I was young. I remember that I got in the habit of smiling when I used to twirl baton and it was drilled into me to smile, smile, smile! I loved to twirl, so it was easy for me to do. I think it just carried over from that and I was able to smile easily and often when I was young.

There were family friends of ours that we would get together with quite often. I remember the sweet man in that family who always had a smile on his face. He’d light up when he saw me and he’d say, “There’s my girl who always has a smile on her face.” He had it wrong though. It was the other way around because he made me smile with his smile! Isn’t that how smiles work?

As I was standing in the middle of the road, I realized how often I try to focus on too many self-improvement projects at once. On top of that, I focus on what I need to stop doing instead of what I can do right. It’s like that with doctors who come up with a plan of foods for us to eat that will help our bodies reach their potential. I don’t have time to eat a bunch of junk when I’m focusing on the good stuff I need to get into my system! The bad stuff gets pushed out naturally.

Smiling was to be my first of the half dozen things I needed to do really well to reach success. I just needed to repeat it five thousand times! I believe I’ll see huge rewards from that seemingly insignificant action. Now you might be thinking that he meant something a little more substantial, but I don’t think so. I believe without a resilient, positive, and grateful attitude, we’ll never feel ultimate success. I believe smiling is the key to unlock those character traits for me.  It will have a compound effect.

Let me explain. I realized how often I was already smiling when I saw something that made me feel grateful. Gratitude is HUGE in God’s eyes! We are to rejoice always. When we’re smiling we’re rejoicing! We are to pray continually. What easier way to have prayers than to have something to smile about and thank God for? It will help me to see the positive even in the hard circumstances, which will allow me to still be giving thanks to God. I’ll be doing His will! That’s success…it’s all connected.

In the Optimist’s Creed, it talks about promising ourselves to give every living creature we meet a smile. This made my family laugh every time we passed a horse or other animal, and my youngest would remind us to smile at them. It seemed funny to smile without a little greeting, which made us giggle even more to be talking to the animals. It’s such a habit now to smile when we see a living creature. Just think about how many living creatures I see in a day. I’m getting closer to five thousand each time, and they’re genuine smiles!  That’s the key.

There are times when I just don’t feel like I have any smiles left, but it really isn’t true. It’s like my soap that’s in a pump bottle. When nothing more will come out, I think it’s finished. It never is though! You wouldn’t believe how much is left in there. I take that pump off and tip it over getting a shock at how much poured out. When I add a little water and shake it up; I could have more soap for days! It was in there, but I just couldn’t get to it until I shook it up a little.

What isn’t working in your life that you keep doing? I’m not telling you to stop. I’m telling you to replace that action with a positive one that doesn’t leave any more room for what you don’t want in your life. Find something that would be a simple, positive change and do it.

I think you’ll see that simple thing you’re going to do really well will have long reaching effects in your life. If those actions seem insignificant, then what will it hurt to just do them? It’s not going to take a whole lot out of you right? Do it five thousand times. Find a way to remind yourself and even keep track. When you feel like there’s nothing left…SHAKE IT UP A LITTLE!


Not Out of My Mind

When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” Mark 3:21

As I’ve been taking the pup for a walk in the morning this past week, I’ve been getting some inspiration and motivation. I’ve always gotten it in the outdoors, but I’ve upped my game. My great aunt taught me you shouldn’t waste time. If she could drive and read, I can walk and read!

Wait a minute, stop, please hear me on this…do NOT read while you drive! Do NOT text while you drive. Do not be distracted while you drive. That wasn’t smart, but she knew before the tape players, the cd players, the USB thingies, and whatever technology that has you learning as you’re moving, that she needed to stop wasting time.

I’m done wasting time. Walking and listening to the wildlife is not wasting time. Walking and talking to God is not wasting time. Walking and listening for God’s still, small voice (or his quite loud scolding in your head) is not wasting time.

Replaying a conversation that you aren’t happy about is wasting time. Stewing about something you have to do is wasting time. Thinking on a situation that isn’t fair is wasting time. I’m done wasting time! I’ve gone through the valley long enough that it’s enough! I’m looking ahead and not looking back. I’m seeing what God has for my future instead of stumbling over where I’ve been.

So, where does that leave me? I walk my pup down the road while having something in my hand that I’m reading and pondering. It leaves me having a full out loud conversation every now and then as I walk down the road. I talk to myself and I’ll even share my thoughts with the pup when they’re really good because he’s so attentive and cares what I have to say. I share my “feelings” aloud with God who’s patient enough to listen.

Most people could care less what I’m doing, but the few that give me that strange look can just think, “Boy, that pup gets quite a few commands from her!” Ha, nope, but if that’s what people want to believe, it keeps them from thinking I’ve lost my mind.

Yes, hubby…I’m still alert to my surroundings as I’m walking, reading, talking, and listening. I know that I’m not amazingly graceful in doing two things at once, but it’s amazing how I can get filled up with wisdom and knowledge plus walk without stumbling…most of the time. Although thinking back, did I miss the snake that was hit on the road? I don’t think it was lying there the first time I went through…no worries…I’m sure it came out of the woods after I passed that area!

I feel so good when I’m walking and being productive and filling myself with good things that the neighbors get the benefit. I send them off to their jobs with a smile and a wave. I greet them with a cheery good morning. They either accept it and get happy or I make them wonder what I’m up to. Either one works for me! They can’t say I didn’t at least try to get that sour expression off their face. When I do something positive and come back to the house, I’m invigorated and ready for school! I’m ready to take on the world!

This was really about what I learned on my walk the other day, but as I often do, since I’m getting my spunk back, I got off track. Wasn’t it a good track to take though? Sorry, maybe it was the caffeine I had this morning…I don’t usually have caffeine. I’ll talk about what this post was really supposed to be about in my next one…I did touch on it though.

I challenge you not to be too concerned what others think about you as you go about growing …and talking aloud. Do what Jesus would’ve done. Oh, oh, do you remember WWJD? Go ahead, I dare you! Even Jesus had his family say that He was out of his mind. Stop for one day being concerned what others think of you and what others are doing.

Keep growing and keep learning. Oh, and still be aware of your surroundings. Remember to be productive and just give that stuff that could put you in a bad mood while keeping you down over to God. Focus on where He has you going, not where you’ve been. Greet your neighbors with a smile and wave or even a cheery hello!

When we’re doing what our Father wants us to do, our own family and neighbors might think that we’re out of our minds, but in actuality we’re right on track. We’re just done wasting time! As Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”