From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25
How many of you start to feel overwhelmed this time of year? We’re excited that the weather is getting nicer, but that also means our time of hibernation is coming to a close. The kids start bouncing off the walls because they feel like being cooped up learning is coming to an end. They get antsy and have a hard time focusing. Teachers and parents are looking a little frazzled as evening draws near. The activities seem to pick up and all of a sudden the family time seems to be dwindling faster than anyone likes.
The nicer weather brings along with it the dreaded lists. I just might have first hand experience with this, so let me direct this to women right now…do NOT under ANY circumstances mention a list to your man. A list is one of the many ways my hubby and I are a bit different. I love lists; he hates them.
My mind feels like it can’t hold all the items that are swirling around in there, so lists are my way of being clear about what I need to get accomplished. When I write it down, I don’t have to remember it again and can let it go. It’s such a relief to me! If not, I feel like I’m walking through a dense fog while knowing there’s something just out of reach that I’ve thought about before, but it’s too fuzzy to remember exactly what it is. Drives me crazy!
My hubby is more of the out of sight, out of mind category. As long as he doesn’t see it all written down, he can cope! Here’s the deal…women can write down the list, but ask nicely for him to help accomplish one thing at a time. This is a fantastic area to practice your flirting skills. I don’t think I’ve ever really flirted, but the hubby likes it when I try.
I had a very wise man tell me tonight that I need to ask for help. He reminded me that God put people in place that would be happy to give some advice. It was time I asked for it. I started with God because I needed Him to lead me to the rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:2). I knew He’d answer because I was weary and He said He’d refresh me!
Then, I talked to my own family after sending an email off for advice. We all worked together in order to get done what needed to be done and had fun doing it. I wasn’t alone!
Finally, I got alone for some quiet time and turned on the sound of the waves. I pretended I was in a lounge chair on that rock God led me to. You see…I took a vacation in the comfort of my own home. It was so real that the pup and I even jumped when the seagull called out! Seriously, we did.
I challenge you to take a vacation the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed. Take a vacation right there in your own home! If someone wants to interrupt your time, kindly let them know that you’re unavailable at the moment. You’re on vacation!