I Receive, Thank You

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– Ephesians 2:8

Grace is a word that has come to mean so much to me. Why? What draws me to grace? I’m so filled up with the Holy Spirit when I hear that word that I’m at a loss for what to say. We know that grace is undeserved favor, but do we really get it?

We received a gift in the mail a few years ago when my hubby got home from work. Ok, it wasn’t “in the mail” so much as it was delivered to our house. It was gigantic and we couldn’t imagine what it was. Did they have the wrong address? It was most definitely our name on that package. We opened it up to find a big television for our bedroom! Did we need a big television in our bedroom? Nope. Did we deserve such a gift of thoughtfulness? Nope. So why was it given to us? It was simply a show of undeserved favor.

It was a gift of love.  We didn’t need it, but someone wanted to bless us with it. Have any of you ever had trouble accepting gifts graciously? Do you allow yourself to feel that excitement of being on the receiving end and expressing amazing gratitude or do you feel an overwhelming condemnation upon yourself because you don’t think you deserve what was freely given?

When I give a gift, I just want to know that I was able to bring joy to someone’s life. I get so disappointed when someone tries to give me money to pay for it or doesn’t want to accept it. It isn’t because it wasn’t liked, it was a feeling of inferiority in them. Have we done this? Can you imagine how many bubbles we’ve burst just because we allow that inferior feeling to come over us and we didn’t accept the gift with excitement and joy? Why not accept grace for what it is…undeserved favor.

I don’t know about you, but I struggle in this area. I always falsely believed it was rude if you didn’t say, “Thank you, but that isn’t necessary. I really appreciate it, but please give to someone else.” What I really meant was someone who’s more deserving of the gift. HELLO…a gift isn’t something that we deserve. That’s the whole point. It’s called a gift not a payment.

How many times have you felt you didn’t deserve God sending his Son to die for your sins? You’re right, ya know. You didn’t deserve it, but that’s what God’s grace is all about. It isn’t payment for you doing a good job. It’s a gift! When you don’t simply accept it by faith, then you’re basically telling God his Son’s death was for nothing. Oh wow!

I challenge you to start looking into that one word…grace. What’s it all about? I guarantee you it’s even bigger than you are able to comprehend. I know that’s the case for me!



A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Proverbs 25:11 (English Standard Version)

We have over 250,000 words in the English language. If we have so many words at our disposal, why do we understand less and less?

Men, we know that you occasionally look at us as if we’re speaking a different language. At least I’m pretending in my mind it’s only occasionally. Ladies, take a good look at these guys you’re talking to. Do they really look like they’re paying any more attention to that fifth chapter of your dissertation where you’re reiterating what you’ve already expressed in the first, second, third, and fourth chapters? Nope, they were gone after suffering through much confusion when trying to figure out what you were trying to convey with your topic sentence, even though you went on with your monologue for several minutes.

Is there a nice juicy steak waiting for dinner? Is there a big buck on your trail camera just waiting for you to see its antlers? Are there fish biting down at the stream? Is there a new email you need to deal with? See, that’s what you were starting to think about, right? You were gone after all that rambling I just did; try to focus for just a few more minutes before heading outside, to the fridge, or to your email. You women were determined to see this post to the end even though your mind might have started drifting too. Am I right? I’m not even sure what that paragraph was saying, and I wrote it!

Sure, there may be a whole bunch of words to choose from when talking, but are you choosing the right ones? Are we speaking to be understood or to satisfy some need in us to sound smart? Hey, someone could have something really important to say, but never get it across because how it’s delivered. I guarantee that repeating something over and over that wasn’t picked up the first time isn’t going to help.

Check it out! Does this work? J’ai froid. J’ai froid. J’a…i f…r…o…i…d. J’AI FROID. J’AI FROID! If you don’t know French, it doesn’t matter how many times I repeat it, how slow I go, or how loud I get, you will not know (unless I act it out) that I’m cold! Yet, isn’t that what we do when we feel that we aren’t getting through to each other?

In the same way that we expect people to speak so that we can understand, we must search out the best way for us to understand someone or something. Let’s take the Bible for example. No matter how much reading we do, if we don’t understand it, sometimes we need to do more than just read it over and over to get it. We need help. The Holy Spirit was put inside us to give revelation in the words written in the Bible. Without that resource, we don’t understand what we’re supposed to be learning. Ask for discernment and revelation!

So many things are out there to help us in understanding the Bible also. There are several translations that might be a little easier to read than the one you have. Get one that works for you. I’ll be honest that I struggle with one that has every other word being “thou” or “thy” simply because I don’t speak that way, so it’s unnatural for me to read that way. We’re supposed to grow in God’s word, not get frustrated and walk away more confused than when we started.

I’ve been learning a language that’s English based, but the people don’t speak the exact way we do. Not too long ago the New Testament was translated into their language and someone said, “For the first time, God talked to me the way I talk.” That’s what I want for you!

Since I’ve been reading their New Testament Bible (which was based from the original Greek manuscripts), I’ve been rewarded with a new understanding due to its clear, straightforward language. Don’t rule out the unusual in order to see growth. Who would’ve thought this is what I’m using for understanding! I know I’ve learned a great deal from my children’s Bible studies too…who knew?

I challenge you to stop doing what doesn’t work! If someone doesn’t understand what you’re saying, say it in a different way that helps who you’re talking to. Next, stop becoming frustrated (or simply tuning out) when a certain type of communication isn’t working for you. Instead of giving up, strive to find another way to understand. Don’t let a blank stare and “Huh?” be your main language.


The Jealous Cat

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16

When I started dating my hubby, I was not used to cats at all. I grew up in a household where cats weren’t looked at too fondly. I was the odd one out. You give me an animal, any animal, and I get excited! I simply was ignorant about a cat’s behavior. I mistakenly believed that cats were all sneaky, spooked easily, and would scratch you without much reason. Sure, a few can be like that, but they can also be absolutely fantastic.

I learned the beauty of cats the first time I was visiting my hubby’s family. I was sitting on the floor when all of a sudden, I had a cat in my lap! After looking up with big eyes thinking I was about to get mauled or something, I asked what he was doing. I was reassured he was friendly, although I don’t think he was usually quite so friendly, and I pretty much fell in love…with the cat!

That precious cat was also a jealous cat! He could’ve cared less that I was taking some of his family’s attention, but he didn’t like it when they had mine. If my hubby tried to sit close to me, Mr. Chaperone would push him out of the way and return to my side. I didn’t realize cats could give dirty looks, but I believe this one did…to his own family members (especially my hubby). The best part would be when he turned back to me with an angelic look on his face asking for attention.

We found out his true jealous nature after I went on a trip to bring a couple puppies to his house. I was outside snuggling, holding, and loving on them that day when he peaked his head out to see what was going on. Looking back, I realized that he didn’t bother coming over to me like he usually did. He just turned around in disgust.

It was a little odd that I didn’t get a greeting from my buddy when I went into the house, but I didn’t think much of it until I was getting ready to leave. I had a nice, shiny black car when I arrived. When I left I didn’t own a nice, shiny black car. I owned a car with dusty cat prints all over it! I’ve heard of cats walking over a car, but this was something entirely different.

I could just picture it… He went outside and found an area that contained quite a bit of dirt. He took those paws and rubbed them all through it. Then, he looked around to see if anyone was watching while thinking he’d show me. He didn’t just walk one time on my car. He covered my car in his little paw prints! He danced on my car!! He was determined to show me what he thought of my traitorous behavior. I was amused, but annoyed at the same time.

It took a couple visits before he decided he was finished pouting and I got my sweet, lovable cat back. I went from not being able to do anything wrong to being shown disgust all because of jealousy. My vehicle proved the disorder that happens when jealousy comes into play.

I challenge you to not show the envy that cat did over the attention I was paying to the pups when you feel left out. It only makes you look bad because you’ll say or do something that will just get someone annoyed at you. When we act out of jealously, we make wrong decisions. Act out of love, and don’t miss out on the time that gets away when pouting is going on.


Just Love

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

I remember when I was young, my great-aunt had a friend from France that came to visit quite often. She spoke English very well, but we had the occasional mix-ups! Let’s just say there are a few words in her language that mean something very different in our language. She answered the phone for my aunt one day and slipped a French word into her English conversation that made us all laugh at what she told the caller.

There are times when our communication with one another leaves a lot to be desired. We could be trying, but we just can’t seem to get out what we’re intending to say. That happens occasionally between men and women and between teens and adults. I know, I’m telling you revolutionary stuff here. This communication issue just happens. How do we move on from it into an area of understanding?

Yesterday I learned a very important lesson from God. I felt He was urging me to walk in love and be quiet. There’s got to be a time when we realize that the continuous barrage of words aren’t helping us communicate, they’re making us sound like the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoons saying, “Wah wah wah wah wah…” We’re putting people those that we’re trying to reach to sleep!

I wanted to make things better with my teen son yesterday, but I was at a loss on what to say because our communication went off track somewhere in the day and more talking from me would’ve just dug us deeper into a hole of misunderstanding. I learned that when we substitute love for words to communicate, it reaches all languages and all ways of thinking. My son and I could’ve just gone about our day, but we weren’t in a right place. Neither one of us felt very good about it.

I got the strong urge to just be with him. I didn’t feel like we needed to have a big conversation, rehashing what wasn’t working, but just be together. I asked him if he’d sit with me outside. He immediately came and we just sat there watching and listening to the wildlife. I didn’t feel the need to straighten anything out, just be with my son.

An amazing thing happened! He started talking. We gently, with few words, made everything right. Love was much better than a bunch of confusing words yesterday. It allowed the Lord to fight for our relationship. We turned over the frustration and confusion to Him. We got still and the transformation took place.

A bunch of words and constant talking can make people tune us out, but a strong, silent love can speak volumes. Don’t keep talking when someone can’t comprehend what you’re saying. Be still, trusting in the Lord, and let Him fight to bring about understanding. I challenge you to love instead.  Just love.


Anything with Action

They told him, “Joseph is still alive! In fact, he is ruler of all Egypt.” Jacob was stunned; he did not believe them. Genesis 45:26

What a day! There were so many people and I wasn’t even sure what I’d be seeing. There was a hope like no other, expectancy in the air. A show was about to be performed telling the story of Joseph from the Bible. Teaching of dreams and wisdom. Showing there’s possibility even when it seems like everything and everyone is against you including family and people you trusted.

I’ve heard wonderful things about the productions that were performed in this beautiful theater, but it was our first time attending. I was there with my hubby and boys, and I wasn’t quite sure how they’d react. They aren’t big fans of sitting around while watching the action going on around them. They’d much rather be a part of the action!

Within the first couple scenes, they were hooked! It actually felt like we were part of that action with the big, gorgeous horses coming down the isles, the bright, beautiful birds beside us, and the wonderful views of everything. We learn and grow so much from the Bible. It’s one of the books that fills us up with the supernatural. We’re in action when we’re reading the Bible…we’re growing, we’re learning, we’re even having a conversation! At that moment we had the best of both worlds…the Bible and seeing it come to life.

That’s one of the things that I want to tell you about today. Are you reading to learn and grow (action) or are you reading to escape your reality? I LOVE to read, but I felt that it was taking up my time the exact same way television can do nothing more than take up time when we could actually be living. When we get out and experience life we grow.

When I was reading, I felt like I was being told that it should be in order for me to grow rather than “escape” for a while. I believe there isn’t anything wrong with reading purely for enjoyment occasionally, but it can’t be taking away from us living the life God meant for us to live. I think I was being scolded by God a little…

As we were getting out to do something quite out of our normal realm, we learned and grew by opening our hearts to an art that put us amongst the pages of a book. That is where a story happened many years ago, but is so relevant in our lives today. It was seen so thoroughly, that my boys could give a detailed account of Joseph’s life still today.

It made us actively think about how Joseph must have been so devastated to feel the hatred of his brothers, yet have God give him the courage to forgive, accept, help, and love them in return. We learned so much about hope and never giving up that evening. We learned that God never abandons us and always has a plan. We learned that great things come out of devastating situations. We also learned that no relationship is too damaged to mend.

I challenge you to put down the remote or the book where you’re only living someone else’s life without learning anything and exchange it for a life that is action based. Action that opens the door for growth and opportunity, giving God room to direct the scenes.  Without action, there’s no growth.

You see…we can read a book that grows us, but if it doesn’t lead to action on our part, why waste time? Read for growth, then take action!


Panda Mania

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

In the summer of 2013, a panda named Lun Lun at the Atlanta Zoo gave birth to twins. They weren’t any bigger than a stick of butter, and we were fascinated! We were homeschooling and it became a regular part of the school day to check in through the computer to see how they were doing and growing.

There were regular updates posted on their website that helped us learn a great deal about pandas and what went on behind the scenes. Also, we got to see how a mother panda takes care of her young.

As the twins started to grow into little balls of fluff, my boys wanted to visit them. I smiled and told them how we got to visit them everyday through a camera the zoo had in place. It wasn’t good enough though, and they continued to talk about how they wanted to see them at the zoo before the twins went to China. You have to understand that we felt like we knew these pandas because they were in our classroom every single day.

It wasn’t even on my radar that the possibility existed for us to see them in person, but God took my boys’ requests seriously. The next thing I knew, my hubby was going to Florida for work and we were invited along. Guess where we were passing through? You got it…we were going to see Mei Lun and Mei Huan! It was an unforgettable experience that still holds a top spot in our memories.

We stood there looking at the two little miracles that we’d watched for months over the computer. We could hardly believe they were right in front of us! I never imagined we’d be standing there, but God has all kinds of wonderful blessings for us. My young boys knew that it was the Lord that often puts the desires in our heart, so they always believed that same Lord would see those desires come to pass.

Get excited about what God can do for you. Even if you see no way possible for a desire in your heart to be fulfilled, just give it to God. Delight in the Lord and wait for an answer. Sure, it may be no, but it just might be yes. Don’t tie the hands of God from making desires become a reality. If the boys didn’t ask and believe, I’m sure we wouldn’t have been standing in the Atlanta Zoo looking at those two precious pandas.


Spotted Windshield

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ–to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11

When we were travelling and my hubby was driving, I had a little issue of not having a clear view of the road. I’m sure he thought that wasn’t a bad idea because if I couldn’t see, I couldn’t “help” him, but it drove me a little nuts.

Before we left, the guys decided to clean the inside of the car, and it looked great! One problem…the cleaner that was sprayed onto the dash, misted onto the passenger side windshield leaving lots of spots. It happened even when the spray wasn’t being directed there!

Whoever was driving could see perfectly fine, but the passenger (when at a certain height) had some troubles. We had to use cleaner to fully remove them because if we just used a rag, we would’ve had a smeared mess worse than the spots.

People are a little like that windshield. We could be in the presence of someone who shoots out some words that aren’t very pleasing and that we may not even agree with, but it reaches us. It can leave some sort of spots. Just like the windshield, they stay there until dealt with. If not dealt with, they leave some unattractive marks that sometimes we aren’t aware of, but those talking to us are. It doesn’t look to good on us.

If you think those around you can’t affect you because you’re too strong to allow anything that others do touch you, just give a kid a hose and see what happens. You’re not taking part in any type of game or encouraging the child to turn the hose on; however, you quickly have water dripping off of you. You didn’t have anything to do with the hose, but you need to dry off! It affected you didn’t it?

I pray for insight and discernment to come upon you when in contact with anything that could spot your windshield! Be careful not to spread those marks by just wiping them around, but fully treat them with the wisdom that comes from God above.  I want you to be pure and blameless…and streak free!


Birthday Banners

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

I just bought some new clothes with much urging from those who care. I had a strong impression they were trying to tell me something. Not saying that I’m necessarily very intuitive, but when I’m told to basically toss, burn, and bury a good number of clothes I owned, I got the “hint” a change was in order. I needed to start dressing like I wanted to be! I want to be bright and bold, so why would I go around being dull, dark, and weak?

This got me thinking about crayons…yeah I know…it scares you to attempt to follow my train of thought, but there you have it. Let me show you. Robert Fulghum said, “We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.” This is so true! You see, who doesn’t like crayons? Now you know what led me to my next thought…

Birthday banners! My hubby makes one for the boys each year their birthdays roll around. He draws a picture of something they were highly interested in during the past year and makes sure their new age and name are somewhere in the drawing. It’s always interesting to see what he comes up with. I’m so glad he can do that because if it were left to me, they’d be standing in front of it with their heads tilted trying to figure out what all the stick figures were supposed to mean.

This is where the crayons come in. My hubby colors using a whole spectrum of colors. Some are dull and some are bright, but they’re all necessary for a great, final picture. The ones that really put a smile to our faces though are the bright colors. They seem so cheerful and happy! Why wouldn’t we color ourselves with joyful, bright colors that’ll help us smile all day? It’ll help those looking at us not feel like they just walked into a funeral either because they see a vibrant life.

This leads me to my next point. I’ve watched those crayons break when my very own artist was working on those banners. That didn’t make them worthless and belonging in the trash because he could still use them. They still were able to color. There’s a quote from an unknown author that says, “Broken crayons still color.”

Guess what…I’m here to tell you broken people still have a purpose and reason for being on this earth. Don’t ever, ever think that you’re worthless and should be tossed away because you’re broken. You might be thinking that I couldn’t possibly understand what you’re going through, and maybe you’re right. It still doesn’t change the fact that God started something in you and isn’t finished yet. Do you really not want to see what the rest of the picture is going to look like?

I’m here to tell you that the banner being made for the birthday boy looks like a hot mess at times. I have no idea what’s going on and can’t possibly see how it’s going to turn into anything that makes sense…of value, but my hubby does. You see, he’s the artist, not me. Even when everyone around you can’t see the possibilities, that’s ok. They don’t need to for you to know that an artist is at work and isn’t finished yet.  Don’t give up when He’s in the middle of a masterpiece.


Whose Plans?

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

It’s a beautiful day today with perfect temperatures and a gorgeous blue sky. The boys had an activity planned for in a state park about an hour away. I had two choices…go with them or stay at home. In my mind I saw a dark, shady area where we’d be digging in the dirt or I’d be standing watching them while dealing with allergies (since pollen is at its highest today) and swatting at bugs.

My other choice was to stay at home with a fire going and get some things accomplished that I’d been looking forward to doing. I could sit at the picnic table working while the sunlight warmed my face. If the allergies got bad, I could head inside and sit in the light coming through the window which would still allow me to get that work done as I refreshed and renewed.

I gave the boys my two options and it was an easy decision on their part. I should go with them! I was thrilled that they wanted me along, but it might be a bit of a long day. Was I leaving my paradise for the jungles of the wild to be eaten alive by bugs with my eyes watering so bad I couldn’t see…all the while digging dirt? Hmm…

As I walked away, I had a decision to make. Get excited to be with my family because I was so privileged that they wanted me with them or set some preconceived notions of how it would turn out. No matter what, there was a fantastic opportunity to bond with them in an area they enjoy. It had the possibility of a memory making day. I could choose to focus on what wasn’t going to be, or I could get excited about what was to be.

I got my mind straight, took some allergy medicine, and off we went. We had a beautiful ride that allowed us to just be together and talk. It was amazing to get back to the area that I have such wonderful memories of. The park was in the general vicinity where I used to go as I was growing up and swore I’d live when I got older. We even have memories of taking the boys there since they were little.

We made it to the activity area and sprayed ourselves down with bug spray. The boys were off! It was terrific to see them go straight to work helping get everything ready. I couldn’t be of much use right then, so I just chatted with one of the nicest park rangers I’ve ever met. After they got their area set up, I asked if they were ready for me.

My youngest answered, “Nope, we got it.”

Instead of being bummed, I started to get even more excited! Let me get this straight…they wanted me to come with them, but I can enjoy the wonders of the park at the same time? No problem, I would head up the road, find me a peaceful and sunny spot. Then, I’d be back at lunchtime to have a picnic lunch with them. Perfect! I left the hubby and the boys to find myself a bathroom (too much juice this morning) and get on with enjoying the weather.

I found wonderful picnic tables in the sun where I now sit as I’m smiling at the butterflies that don’t seem to stop fluttering by. It’s peaceful and quiet with wonderful sunshine wrapping around me like a hug. I’m watching dragonflies and the towering trees whose leaves are gently swaying in the breeze. I have my own music of nature with the birds chirping away. This is so much better than if I stayed home!

I have all that I wished for from today and more. My allergies are just fine and the bugs have decided to leave me alone. I’m ready to dig into some of the work that I so badly wanted to get accomplished. It doesn’t even feel like work, more like opportunity.

The real life experience was so much better than the picture in my head of my day at home. I’m so glad I didn’t let my thoughts get in the way of God’s present to me. He gave me an area that couldn’t be competed with and a renewing of my mind that probably wouldn’t have happened if I stayed at home. Thank God for my boys still wanting their mom with them, yet still having the independence to accomplish things on their own.

The next time you start to feel a grumble bubble up inside, rely on God to make every experience perfect for you…for what you need…right now.


How’d I Get There?

But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward. Jeremiah 7:24

When I was first married, I started riding horses to get over my no pet policy in our apartment. After a short bit of time, my instructor decided it would be a brilliant idea to teach me to barrel race. She had a horse that had never done it before and a student who never did either…oh my.

I admit that I had the best horse in the world and felt so comfortable on him. It’s funny how each person has a different connection with individual animals. He was very sensitive to leading and couldn’t wait to run. He’d respond to the slightest touch. He was awesome! That horse was also up for anything. How else would I respond other than, “I can’t wait!”

The barrels were all set up and I led him through the pattern several times. He was confident, but was I? There was so much for me to remember between my posture, hands, legs, and brain…all while picking up speed.

We started out beautifully if I do say so myself until we were coming out of the first barrel. I thought my perfect horse was going to go over backwards as he stood straight up, and I landed with a thud on the ground! What happened?

I did the right thing with the reigns as we were going around the barrel, but my brain malfunctioned and I forgot to loosen them once we were ready to run to the next barrel. It was completely my fault and the poor horse couldn’t quite figure out how I ended up on the ground when I was supposed to be on his back.

I learned an important lesson that day; besides the one that told me I don’t bounce. When you hold the reigns too tight, forward progress can’t be made and the chances of going backward are highly likely. There’s a good chance there will be a fall and someone could be seriously hurt.

During that learning experience, besides walking gingerly for a while, there was no lasting damage. We were able to fix the communication method immediately. My sweet gelding was very forgiving and it’s true about just getting back on the horse! When we tried again, it was with much more success. I learned when to give the horse his head and by doing so, he wanted to follow my lead.

Remember that there are always two involved in a relationship. When we’re too stubborn to listen or pay attention, we’ll go backward instead of forward in life. Don’t hold the reigns so tight that communication breaks down and pain takes over. Once that happens, a tumble is sure to come next.